Friday, June 23, 2006

Ethan is going to be 21 months old soon. He is growing so quickly and in so many ways. He still isn't saying much but he understands so much in both Spanish and English. He is really smart and observant. He likes to point to everything and say "dat" and then we all name the thing or person. He says Mommy but its like " ma-MI". He gets into absolutely everything and he and I often have a battle of the wills. He'll just look at me and smile while he presses down on the water cooler handle and lets water run all over the place. He knows he's not supposed to do it, he's just testing I guess. He is really strong willed which can be challenging but it is also a good thing. He is thinking a lot and testing the waters in everything. And as frustrating it can be sometimes to say no over and over again or to maybe give a one minute "time out" he can also be and usually is the sweetest little boy. Everyone who meets him says he has the sweetest smile. It can melt you, it melts me. And when I get unsolicited kisses and hugs it makes my day. He really is still so cute and cuddly as much as he is a naughty boy. But that's what its all about I guess. The parent child bond that makes them so comfortable to be whatever they are because they know that you love them unconditionally. So rascally, yet so sweet. Its all worth it.


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