Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Ethan makes us laugh so hard now because he does this fake cry thing. We have no idea where it came from but a couple of months ago, we were in a restaurant and Ethan was being impossible, as he usually is in restaurants. After I had taken away basically everything in his reach (utensils, glasses, salt and pepper shakers etc.) he put his head in his hands on the table and wept. I am not joking, it was this weird fake weeping but he was obviously upset. We thought it was pretty funny but he never really did it again. Then in the past couple of weeks, he's been making fake crying sounds and then he did it right in front of me after I had probably told him no or taken something away, When I looked at him, he stopped the fake crying and smiled at me. It just amazes me that he makes the face and the noise, just that he is pretending makes me laugh. Anyway, now he knows when we say "fake cry" and even though we probably shouldn't encourage it, it is just too darn funny and I had to get it on video. He is definitely a good actor already.


Blogger The Sylvesters said...

Hey guys, you all look great. When are you coming to Willaimsburg? We can throw Ethan in the stocks! It would be fun.

3:56 PM  

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