So Ethan is going to have some major dental work done on August 24th and because he is so young it will have to be done at White Plains Hospital under general anesthesia which is a little scary. He has tooth decay in his top front four teeth. The dentist says its from nursing at night which he did for a long time. I never heard that it would cause tooth decay and felt horrible. Then someone else said that because I did not drink flouridated water while pregnant in Honduras (when the teeth buds form) that he was predisposed to tooth decay anyway. So I guess it was a combination of things. Its sad though, I thought he'd have good teeth since he only ever drank milk and water, never juice or soda or candy or anything. But anyway, they are going to fill in the part that is decaying and any other decay he sees and then I guess I have to make sure he gets those regular flouride treatments. Its not something I ever even thought about but now I will. So keep him and us in your prayers that day. I will be sad seeing him if he's freaked out before being put under but he won't remember it and he won't be in much pain afterward so that's good.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Here are some of the latest pics of Ethan. He loves to eat ice pops and lately he's been doing this weird fake smile/devilish grin. He is talking a lot more now, and trying a lot harder to day words. He repeats some things we say. The other day I said, "oh, I got that at Costco" and Ethan just repeated in his cute little voice "cos-co". It was funny. He says people (pe-po), boo boo, bubbles, bus, bird, bible, (lots of B words), puppy, night night, tita, and when we're finished with something "ya" in spanish. There's other words I can't think of right now.